Hi. In my main report I have:
Page Header:
lblreports - Shows the monthly report heading which includes the month and year prompted for
txtMthYear - want this to contain the month and year prompted for so I can use it as a link between all the subreports
I keep getting an error message on the txtMthYear portion saying it cannot assign a value to this object but I dont' see why?
what am I doing wrong??
Page Header:
lblreports - Shows the monthly report heading which includes the month and year prompted for
txtMthYear - want this to contain the month and year prompted for so I can use it as a link between all the subreports
I keep getting an error message on the txtMthYear portion saying it cannot assign a value to this object but I dont' see why?
This is the on open event
dteStart = Month(Date) & "/" & Year(Date)
strStart = InputBox("Enter Start Date Range:", "Start Date (month/year)", dteStart)
If IsDate(strStart) Then dteStart = strStart
lblReportDates.Caption = " METER SHOP MONTHLY REPORT - " & Format(dteStart, "mmmm yyyy")
Debug.Print strStart
Me.txtMthYear = dteStart [b[COLOR=#EF2929]]======== Line I get the error on[/color][/b]