Although I am not a database programmer I have ended up with the task of reverting the value in the status field of records in the master table on a SQL 2005 based application we use to its previous value. I am collecting the data I need into a temporary table then joininng it to the master table on the customer field to update the master.status field from the temp.oldstatus field. Then I need to create a new record in a notes table so we have an audit trail of the status change.
If I were writing an external program to do this I would load the temp table into a recordset in memory and use a Do loop to INSERT INTO the notes table one record at a time. What I'm trying to do here is write a stored procedure using t-sql to do everything and I don't know how to do this final step. Here is what I have so far:
At this point I need to do something like ...
... and let all the other fields in the notes table default to NULL. How can I do an INSERT like this from one table to another?
If I were writing an external program to do this I would load the temp table into a recordset in memory and use a Do loop to INSERT INTO the notes table one record at a time. What I'm trying to do here is write a stored procedure using t-sql to do everything and I don't know how to do this final step. Here is what I have so far:
USE Collect2000training
DROP TABLE dbo.StatusChangeTemp
SELECT dbo.StatusHistory.AccountID,
MAX(dbo.StatusHistory.DateChanged) AS DateChanged,
'Reverted status from ' + dbo.StatusHistory.NewStatus + ' to ' + dbo.StatusHistory.OldStatus AS COMMENT
INTO dbo.StatusChangeTemp
FROM dbo.StatusHistory
WHERE (dbo.StatusHistory.OldStatus <> dbo.StatusHistory.NewStatus)
AND (dbo.StatusHistory.OldStatus IN ('CBD', 'CYC', 'DCC', 'FRD')
OR dbo.StatusHistory.NewStatus = 'NSF')
GROUP BY dbo.StatusHistory.AccountID,
SELECT * FROM dbo.StatusChangeTemp
ORDER BY dbo.StatusChangeTemp.AccountID DESC
UPDATE dbo.[master] INNER JOIN StatusChangeTemp ON dbo.[master].[number] = StatusChangeTemp.AccountID ]
SET dbo.[master].[status] = [StatusChangeTemp].[OldStatus]
FIELDS([number], created, comment, UtcCreated)
VALUES(dbo.StatusChangeTemp.AccountID, dbo.StatusChangeTemp.RECORDDATE, dbo.StatusChangeTemp.COMMENT, dbo.StatusChangeTemp.RECORDDATE)