I have the following in a formula:
Local NumberVar H := Len({#ContractTemp}) + Len({#DDPM}) + Len({#DilatTemp}) + Len({#Hard}) + Len({#Contract});
This returns a value of null/blank. However, if I change the formula to read:
Local NumberVar H := Len({#ContractTemp})
I get an answer of 3. Why does the top one not work? Any ideas?
All I really want is a way to find out whether there is anything returned in the above fields. If nothing is returned, then I want to suppress the details section in which this formula appears.
Local NumberVar H := Len({#ContractTemp}) + Len({#DDPM}) + Len({#DilatTemp}) + Len({#Hard}) + Len({#Contract});
This returns a value of null/blank. However, if I change the formula to read:
Local NumberVar H := Len({#ContractTemp})
I get an answer of 3. Why does the top one not work? Any ideas?
All I really want is a way to find out whether there is anything returned in the above fields. If nothing is returned, then I want to suppress the details section in which this formula appears.