I have a web published on a remote server. For some stranfge reason, we lost access to it. When I download it for maintenance in FP Explorer, it brings down the hierarchical data, I click on the page I want to update, it fires up FP editor, loads the page, lets me make changes, BUT, when I try to upload it it get the message ....
cannot create E:\webname\filename/html.
I tried to make a small test vpage on the server and got the message cannot create directory.
I also got the message cannot open .......\_vti_pvt\service.lck for writing.
Does any one have any idea at all of what is going on here?
cannot create E:\webname\filename/html.
I tried to make a small test vpage on the server and got the message cannot create directory.
I also got the message cannot open .......\_vti_pvt\service.lck for writing.
Does any one have any idea at all of what is going on here?