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probelm w/the sup tag and printing

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Jul 8, 2004
Just finished de-tabling a site, and I'm finding I have a problem w/printing. They had separate "printer friendly" pages for each page, so I went ahead and defined a print CSS doc to take care of all those. The thing is, this problem only shows up when printing, *and* only shows up on IE on a mac. PC IE, moz, and safari all look fine when printing. Anyone ever heard of this problem or a decent fix?

What is the actual problem? You don't say anywhere.


[tt]D'ya think I got where I am today because I dress like Peter Pan here?[/tt]

It's a problem with printing and something to do with the sup tag.

Past that and it's anyones guess

Often in the haste of frustration we forget the details, don't fret... just fill us in :)

Foamcow Heavy Industries - Web design and ranting
Target Marketing Communications - Advertising, Direct Marketing and Public Relations
I wonder what possesses people to make those animated gifs. Do you just get up in the morning and think, "You know what web design r
Problem: IE/Mac has troubles with printing
Details: (none provided)
Possible resolutions: (none currently known)

Questions for Discussion:

1) What does it look like now and what did it look like before?
2) Are you sure the problem doesn't show up in "Print Preview" mode? (Yes, I know about your comment regarding it only showing up during printing. I dismissed it to open up this other possibility.)
I so sorry.

Problem is, when I print, huge amounts of space are somehow added to the <sup> tag. The paragraph that the sup tag is in is displayed fine until the sup tag, and then there is about a paragraph of space around the element that the sup tag encapsulates... then it continues w/the rest of the paragraph.

I use a different .css file for printing, but it does nothing odd or weird to any of the tags, and no matter what I try on the sup tag, it still shows up oddly. Thing is, it also shows up a bit weird on Mozilla based browsers. There is a little bit of space on each side of the element that is superscripted.

Any idea what's going on? I'd post a picture or something.. but I don't have a screenshot of it.

Sorry about the innacurate description.. I'm in IT and I know how frustrating it is when ppl give you no information as to what the problem is. Foamcow was right.. I was frustrated and working on 3 sites at the time, so I hastily wrote the first post.
Try the following. Printing from IE 5.2 on Mac OS X, both types of superscript print just fine, with no extra spacing:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 Strict//EN" "[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">[/URL]
<html xmlns="[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"[/URL] lang="en" xml:lang="en">
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
	<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en" />
	<title>sup printing test</title>
	<style type="text/css">
		div {
			margin: 1em;
		span.superscript {

		<p>Aenean fringilla ante. Proin quis tortor. Duis gravida. Nullam vehicula eleifend pede. Praesent sit amet libero. Aliquam viverra egestas ligula. In ut risus ut ligula posuere dignissim. Vestibulum non neque ac risus feugiat bibendum. <sup>Nullam lacinia odio nec nunc.</sup> Proin velit orci, viverra quis, vehicula vitae, interdum non, mauris. Suspendisse viverra sapien eget metus. Cras ullamcorper augue id tortor. Ut adipiscing. Donec quis ligula a purus euismod egestas. Donec lacinia lobortis magna.</p>
		<p>Ut feugiat libero vitae lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In non purus imperdiet orci lobortis accumsan. Duis tempor ipsum at elit. In id arcu id purus fringilla faucibus. <span class="superscript">Cras dignissim orci sit amet nunc.</span> Vivamus eu ipsum. Vestibulum vestibulum, libero in laoreet molestie, purus ipsum adipiscing sem, vitae volutpat sem ante sit amet diam. Fusce vitae lectus feugiat mauris gravida convallis. Nullam sit amet neque. Integer ligula augue, ultrices quis, interdum eget, blandit ut, eros. Donec venenatis, leo euismod condimentum fermentum, tellus sapien pellentesque augue, non nonummy tellus nisl eget magna. Nam tempor justo ac risus. Vestibulum pellentesque mi quis quam. Suspendisse leo turpis, commodo eget, commodo sit amet, iaculis vel, risus. Vivamus vel dolor. Mauris ullamcorper. Aliquam erat volutpat.</p>

If this prints fine for you, then it is probably something in your HTML / CSS that is causing the problem.

Incidentally, what version of Mac OS and IE are you running?


[tt]D'ya think I got where I am today because I dress like Peter Pan here?[/tt]
no clue what version of mac IE it is... it was someone in the office that noticed it. I actually already made a span for what I needed.. because it does not act oddly at all to any of my code in divs or spans. I think it's actually something w/in how mac IE reads the *function* "<sup>.
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