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Probably an easy question about function.

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Dec 20, 2007
I have a question that should be easy for most of you guys.

I'm not well experienced with Delphi and I need to know a way to make a function out of this:

If (Checklistbox1.Checked[0]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(Pr01.Text, Pr01.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR01', Pr01.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[0] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[1]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR02.Text, PR02.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR02', PR02.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[1] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[2]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR03.Text, PR03.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR03', PR03.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[2] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[3]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR04.Text, PR04.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR04', PR04.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[3] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[4]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR05.Text, PR05.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR05', PR05.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[4] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[5]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR06.Text, PR06.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR06', PR06.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[5] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[6]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR07.Text, PR07.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR07', PR07.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[6] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[7]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR08.Text, PR08.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR08', PR08.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[7] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[8]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR09.Text, PR09.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR09', PR09.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[8] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[9]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR10.Text, PR10.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR10', PR10.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[9] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[10]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR11.Text, PR11.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR11', PR11.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[10] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[11]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR12.Text, PR12.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR12', PR12.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[11] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[12]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR13.Text, PR13.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR13', PR13.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[12] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[13]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR14.Text, PR14.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR14', PR14.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[13] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[14]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR15.Text, PR15.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR15', PR15.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[14] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[15]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR16.Text, PR16.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR16', PR16.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[15] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;
If (Checklistbox1.Checked[16]) then begin if (StrIsDigit(PR17.Text, PR17.GetTextLen)) then MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR17', PR17.text) else begin Once:=TRUE;Showmessage('Quantite a: ' + CheckListBox1.Items[16] + ' n''est pas valide');end;end;

I use a CheckListBox with items that were red from an textfile. The code is: If the number written on the Pr##.text (which is a TEditBox) then Write on an Ini file the quantity. Else showmessage Invalid quantity.

I have over 100 items, so it makes more than 100 If that could be done in 1 function... I just don't know how to pass and increment the item name.

thank you :)
I don't have the code handy but if you set the tag value of your text boxes (PR12, PR13, etc) to match the checkbox then you can have a function like:
for i := 0 to GetLastCheckbox-1 do begin
  if Checklistbox1.Checked[i] then begin
    if(StrIsDigit(GetTextBoxTextFromTag(i)) then
      MainIni.WriteString('PRISES', 'PR'+inttostr(i),GetTextBoxTextFromTag(i))
      Once := TRUE;

  //and so on

Thanks for you reply.

I don't understand how to do the : GetTextBoxTextFromTag function. I gave the tag value to each text boxes as you said. But I don't know how to call a brilliant function using it.

I mean, I can't use "PR+IntToStr(tag).text" since it's an EditBox.


Create the edit boxes with numbered names or make them manualy if you like

EB := TEdit.Create(Parentform);
  with EB do
       name := 'EditBox'+inttostr(count);
       Enabled := False;
       Parent := ParentForm;

Use FindComponent() (built in function) to get the editbox you want and read or manipulte its properties

Procedure TParentForm.NameBox(m: integer; NewName: string);
var EBox: TComponent;
   EBox := findcomponent('EditBox' + inttostr(m));
   TEdit(EBox).Text := NewName

Steve: N.M.N.F.
If something is popular, it must be wrong: Mark Twain
Yeah I think that will do the work properly! :) Thanks a lot to all of you guys. These are great ideas.

I think you can mark this thread as Solved.
I would take it to the next level and write it as a property and get/put the data to the INI file. Here's an example of what I'm talking about from one of my apps:
  TQcIniDlg = class(TForm)
    EditQcDataDir: TEdit;
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    function GetQcDataDir: string;
    procedure SetQcDataDir(const Value: string);
    { Public declarations }
    QcIniFile: TIniFile;
    property LastDEImport: TDate read GetLastDEImport write SetLastDEImport;

  QcIniDlg: TQcIniDlg;
  DefaultDb: string; // = 'C:\Program Files\QCMenu\@Data';
  AppPath: string;


{$R *.dfm}

function TQcIniDlg.GetQcDataDir: string;
  result:= QcIniFile.ReadString('IO', 'QcDataDir', DefaultDb)

procedure TQcIniDlg.SetQcDataDir(const Value: string);
  QcIniFile.WriteString('IO', 'QcDataDir', Value)

procedure TQcIniDlg.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  AppPath:= ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName);
  QcIniFile:= TIniFile.Create(AppPath + 'QcMenu.ini');
  EditQcDataDir.Text:= QcDataDir;

procedure TQcIniDlg.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
The above shows just one of several INI values this form handles. Each value has an edit-control that reads the value from the INI file (in OnCreate) and displays it in the control. When saved, all values are written back to the INI file. All via the Property.

Delphi Rules!
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