Hi there,<br><br>I am having some difficulty with a lab assignment and I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. I am trying to cast an Object off my stack to a point. The original object pushed on the stack was a Point.<br><br>First I tried to just pop it off the stack<br>loopPoint = moveStack.pop();<br><br>Of course it says I need an explicit cast..<br>So I change it to <br>loopPoint = Point(moveStack.pop());<br><br>So now it tells me that Method Point(java.lang.Object) is not found in my class. <br><br>Why is it treating my cast as a method call? Am I doing something wrong in my casting? Any help that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise I think I may end up in a mental institution <br><br>If you need to know anything further about my code, let me know.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Aleena