i am under the gun and trying to figure out the best way to do this. I need to give someone a 212 #, which means I need to give him a POTS line as we don't own any #s in 212 area code. I also need to have this number go to another DN on a no answer,and if that second DN doesn't answer i need it to go to this person's voicemail. I built my PVR key and put it on my phone as a test and when i call the POTS line it rings my phone, which is great. But, how can I do the rest of this stuff? should I use a non-212 DID instead and have Verizon point the POTS line to the non-212 DID #? because I can control what the non-212 DID does but I can't seem to control the POTS line. I built it as a PVR AND as a dummy 500 and made the dummy 500 go to v/m and PBX accepted the programming, but I just get ring no answer when I call it. please give me your expert advice. Thankyo