Our company use OO.
Few users uses linux, some uses Windows 98/2000 and citrix.
My question is simple... how Do I paste a screenshot in OO? Its very usefull when we write documentation.
Eg: I press 'printscreen' on my keyboard;
I go to OOwrite or OOcal and I press CTRL+V
Magic, the screenshot appears in OO.
Any idea? On linux AND Windows?
Our company use OO.
Few users uses linux, some uses Windows 98/2000 and citrix.
My question is simple... how Do I paste a screenshot in OO? Its very usefull when we write documentation.
Eg: I press 'printscreen' on my keyboard;
I go to OOwrite or OOcal and I press CTRL+V
Magic, the screenshot appears in OO.
Any idea? On linux AND Windows?