Hi , I am New in this group ( Rio de janeiro, Brazil)
I have been using Power Cobol 5.0 and 6.1 a Lot, but till
Now , I have not found a good Way to PrintPreview the reports Before Printing
There are more ways to obtain a print preview.
I suggest you to download Swiftprint.ocx.
It is a good ocx and with a little series of INVOKE statements you will be able to obtain a print preview.
There is another considerations: use the print preview using print form designed with Powerform.
To resolve this last issue, i'm using NED Imager printer device drive. It create a TIF image and you can see the result connecting the resulted file to be open with Kodak preview (kodakprv.exe) supplied in all Windows O.S.
You need only to define your PRTFILE descriptor, informing the Powerform runtime to "print" the form using the device driver above.
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