I have a report with records that contain several fields. I want to print those with values, but dont want .00 for those that are zero - I want blanks. thanks for all help
put this in the formula part of the fields in question in the query controlling the report a formula similar to, then change the controls on the report to reflect the Corrected Field Name<br>
ie, CorrectedFieldName: IIf([FiledName]=.00,""<br>
this should return the "blank" that you desire. <p>Brian Famous<br><a href=mailto:bfamous@ncdoi.net>bfamous@ncdoi.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
You could also set the FORMAT property...<br><br>The FORMAT property can consist of up to four sections separated by ;<br>PositiveFormat;NegativeFormat;ZeroFormat;NullFormat<br><br>The following format displays positive numbers normally, negative numbers in <font color=red>RED</font>, zero values as the string "Zero" and Null values as the string "Null"<br><br>0.00;0.00[Red];"Zero";"Null"<br><br> <p>Jim Conrad<br><a href=mailto:jconrad3@visteon.com>jconrad3@visteon.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
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