I've got a Linux box on a LAN, and want to print from it to a remote, stand-alone printer, which is on the LAN and has its own IP address. Can anyone point me to a resource which details the solution?
Running Red Hat 7.0
Network printer is an HP 4000N LaserJet
I tried running printtool, clicking Add, and then selecting "Direct to port printer", but am not sure if this is the right direction, and even if so, not sure what to do with the "Port Number" field.
Thank you,
(new to Linux)
Running Red Hat 7.0
Network printer is an HP 4000N LaserJet
I tried running printtool, clicking Add, and then selecting "Direct to port printer", but am not sure if this is the right direction, and even if so, not sure what to do with the "Port Number" field.
Thank you,
(new to Linux)