How can I resize an image (scanned image) for printing so that it will fit in one page. Everytime I tried to print it, it always print it in large sizes. But when I tried printing it using the Photoeditor it fits in one page. Below are the lines I used to print the scanned doc:
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\scanned\doc1.jpg"
Printer.PaintPicture frm_View.Picture1, 20, 20
How can I resize an image (scanned image) for printing so that it will fit in one page. Everytime I tried to print it, it always print it in large sizes. But when I tried printing it using the Photoeditor it fits in one page. Below are the lines I used to print the scanned doc:
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\scanned\doc1.jpg"
Printer.PaintPicture frm_View.Picture1, 20, 20