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Mar 22, 2002
i need some help i am designing a program that prints some tickets it worked fine about 2 weeks ago. it would print perfectly. after coming back to it after 2 weeks such as yesterday it would not print any more. it would send out a blank sheet and then the print document icon in the taskbar would close. i tried printing other things and it would print ok. i have an HP 882C DESKJET it won't even print to a PDF it comes out blank. here is a sample of part of the code. i also am using VB6

If Dir$(DataPath) > "" Then
Data1.DatabaseName = DataPath
'Access password.
Data1.Connect = ";PWD=TheSecretPassword"
MsgBox "The file WHDATA.MDB is not" & _
Chr$(10) & "located in this directory" & _
Chr$(10) & DataPath1a, vbInformation, "TRY AGIAN"
GoTo annuleren
End If
'Messagebox stating if database
'is in the designated folder.
'Takes you back to the main screen.
Form1.Visible = False
'Print dialog loads up.
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlPDNoSelection
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
On Error GoTo annuleren
Dim a As Integer
Dim X As Integer
Dim Sum As Integer
Dim number As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
Dim nIndex
Dim tickets
Dim pages
Dim nLong As String
Dim mLong As String
'SQL statements to access the

If txtTickets = "" Then
MsgBox "ENTER a value of 4 through MAX in the in the NumberofTicketsAvailable field located in the RAFFLES table. Please see the Administrator.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Please try again"
GoTo annuleren
ElseIf txtTickets < 4 Then
MsgBox &quot;ENTER a value of 4 through MAX in the in the NumberofTicketsAvailable field located in the RAFFLES table. Please see the Administrator.&quot;, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, &quot;Please try again&quot;
GoTo annuleren
ElseIf txtTickets > 4000 Then
MsgBox &quot;ENTER a value of 4 through MAX in the in the NumberofTicketsAvailable field located in the RAFFLES table. Please see the Administrator.&quot;, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, &quot;Please try again&quot;
GoTo annuleren
End If
txtTickets = txtTickets
pages = txtTickets / 4
For X = 1 To pages
a = 200
For nIndex = X To tickets Step pages
'Prints the Address form on the
Printer.PaintPicture picAddress, 7600, a + 500, 4000, 2500
'Prints a line down the right side.
Y = Printer.CurrentY
Printer.Line (7222, 15500)-(7222, 25)
Printer.Line (7223, 15500)-(7223, 25)
Printer.CurrentX = Y
Printer.ForeColor = QBColor(15)
Printer.Print Format$(nIndex, &quot;0000&quot;)
Data1.RecordSource = number1 'Charity
Printer.CurrentX = 300
Printer.CurrentY = a
Printer.ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Printer.Font.Size = 11
Printer.Print &quot;&quot;
Printer.Font.Name = &quot;arial&quot;
Printer.Font.Size = 17
'Charity line.
Printer.CurrentX = (6900 \ 1 - Printer.TextWidth(txtText)) \ 2
Printer.Print txtText
Printer.Font.Size = 5

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Part and Inventory Search

