Could someone point me in the direction of some example code that allows printing of labels from an address list.
I want the user to select a Journey number and this populates the address list (this I can do) through MsQuery linked to our SQL view
I then want them to be able to print the records to an address list based on the amount of rows, so one row = 1 label. This is the bit I am stuck on
I have Googled it but the odd bit of code I have found just does not work. I don't want to mail merge in Word if possible just do it straight from Excel
Could someone point me in the direction of some example code that allows printing of labels from an address list.
I want the user to select a Journey number and this populates the address list (this I can do) through MsQuery linked to our SQL view
I then want them to be able to print the records to an address list based on the amount of rows, so one row = 1 label. This is the bit I am stuck on
I have Googled it but the odd bit of code I have found just does not work. I don't want to mail merge in Word if possible just do it straight from Excel