In my application (vb 6) I have created collection objects. ( similar to arrays). The objects basically go thru the middle tier DLL, make a connection to the server; from the server, loads the collection; and disconnects from the server (SQL 7).
The application manipulates the data in the collection and (may add or delete to it)and via the middle tier DLL updates the database.
My problem is that I want to be able to print the passed collection to the Report and print the items in the collection. *** I use Crystal Reports Designer (DSR)file compiled with the .exe.
*** the collection has a structure mapped to the database
e.g. TheAppCollection.Name
TheAppCollection.IdNo etc
''' somewhere in the app change event
TheAppCollection.Name = Ucase(txtName.text)
eg. somewhere in my app in print event:
' code snipplet
set frmPrintReport.CollectionToPrint = TheAppCollection
*** in the frmPrintReport
Public CollectiontToPrint as MyCollectionObject
'somewhere down in the report
With Report1
for each CollectionItem in CollectionToPrint
txtNameTextInReport.settext .CollectionToPrint.Name
end with
****** or very similar code onle prnts one name in the report! How do I get it to print very Name and or very collection item?
Respectfull submitted : Rudy AKA (Top)
The application manipulates the data in the collection and (may add or delete to it)and via the middle tier DLL updates the database.
My problem is that I want to be able to print the passed collection to the Report and print the items in the collection. *** I use Crystal Reports Designer (DSR)file compiled with the .exe.
*** the collection has a structure mapped to the database
e.g. TheAppCollection.Name
TheAppCollection.IdNo etc
''' somewhere in the app change event
TheAppCollection.Name = Ucase(txtName.text)
eg. somewhere in my app in print event:
' code snipplet
set frmPrintReport.CollectionToPrint = TheAppCollection
*** in the frmPrintReport
Public CollectiontToPrint as MyCollectionObject
'somewhere down in the report
With Report1
for each CollectionItem in CollectionToPrint
txtNameTextInReport.settext .CollectionToPrint.Name
end with
****** or very similar code onle prnts one name in the report! How do I get it to print very Name and or very collection item?
Respectfull submitted : Rudy AKA (Top)