I'm using Crystal Reports to create reports consisting of Goldmine data. What selection criteria do I need to use so that Crystal prints only activities scheduled within a project? Right now, I get all activities scheduled.
Add the OpMgr and Cal table to a blank report. Link the two tables through OpMgr.Opid to Cal.Loprecid. Select the required join type. Use the record selection expert to restrict records to just {Opmgr.rectype} = "P".
This will give you only activities linked to projects.
Here's what I want to do: Display the Project name, contacts associated with it along with the activities the contacts have performed in the project. So far I've linked Opmgr to Contact1 through AcctNo and Contact1 to ContHist through AcctNo. I tried linking the ContHist Loprecid field to the Opmgr OPID, but it didn't return any records. Is there special selection criteria for one of the fields in ContHist?
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