Are you trying to print several individual PDF's in order, with multiple copies of the result ? If this is a one-time job, you could combine those separate PDF's into a single PDF, and print however many copies you need.
This sounds like a function of the printer you're using, and perhaps the configuration of the document. Letter-size document ? Single or Double sided ? Are you telling it to print 'All' or Pages 1-7, then setting the copy count to 7? How many copies of the document are you printing ? Is it set up for booklet printing?
What version of Acrobat ? and what make/model of printer, local or networked?
(sorry for all the questions, but I've not seen the problem before, and I do print multi-page PDF's fairly often, and they come out collated for me...)
I don't have an HP5550 to compare with, but I noticed on my Lexmark system at home this weekend, there are TWO places to specify the number of copies, the top or 'outer' one on the Printer page where I specify All or Current View, etc, and another down deeper where I tell it to print double-sided and how the Double sided will be oriented. It sounds like you may be choosing the number of copies down too deeply. Try leaving the number of copies in the double-sided selection at one, and make your selection at the outer-most spot.
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