I have a check form that contains check stub in the middle and 2 advice sections one on top and one in the bottom.both advice sections are identical.Is there any way to prepare this check stub with 3 sections using crystal reports 6(or any other higher version also fine)...? Can anybody help me with this and answer this in detail..?Your help is highly appreciated.
Advice section
Invoice# Invoicedate InvoiceAmount DiscountTaken Amountpaid
Checkdate Check No.Payee discount taken check amt
This is actual check
Check# check date CheckAmt
Amount in words:XXXXXXXXX
Payee address:XXXXXXXXXX
part 3
Advice Section
Invoice# Invoicedate Invoiceamount DiscountTaken Amountpaid
Check date Check No. Payee Discount taken CheckAmt
Advice section
Invoice# Invoicedate InvoiceAmount DiscountTaken Amountpaid
Checkdate Check No.Payee discount taken check amt
This is actual check
Check# check date CheckAmt
Amount in words:XXXXXXXXX
Payee address:XXXXXXXXXX
part 3
Advice Section
Invoice# Invoicedate Invoiceamount DiscountTaken Amountpaid
Check date Check No. Payee Discount taken CheckAmt