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Printing all lines of a file except the first and last line? 3

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Dec 18, 2002
hi if i have a file which has lets say 30 lines ( this is different for every file)

Is there a way i can read every line and then print out all lines except the first and last?

simple: The trick is to defer printing till next time in the loop.

open(OUT,">$myoutfile") or die "cannot open $myoutfile\n";
open(IN,"$myfile") or die "cannot open $myfile\n";
my $linecounter=0;my $lineread;
if($linecounter){print OUT &quot;$lineread&quot;;$lineread=$_;}
close(IN); close(OUT);

The first time linecounter=0, so it will just increment linecounter.
The second time, linecounter=1, but lineread is the (undefined) null string(no newline). So the code prints to OUT the null string. The next time through to this line
the 2nd line is appended
The last line is never printed(stored in lineread, but not printed)

This is elegant, but if you want something simpler
and do not have BIG files(that do not fit in your RAM)
you can do this
my @lines=<IN>;
shift @lines; #get rid of first line;
pop @lines; #get rid of last line
foreach my $line(@lines){#NOW print
print OUT &quot;$line\n&quot;;}

Hope this helps

print $lineread if $linecounter; #takes care of 1st line

next if $linecounter==1;

Load up a regular array, $recs , then print via :

for ($x=1; $x < $#recs; $x++)
print &quot;$recs[$x]\n&quot;;

$x=1 ........means get 2nd row
$x < $#recs ......will not print the last record
Dickie Bird (:)-)))
Yet another flavor, TMTOWTDI ;-)

open IPF, &quot;file_name&quot;;
@lines = <IPF>;
print @lines;

'hope this helps

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I don't really like the memory intesive method of reading the WHOLE file into an array. Try this:
open(FILE, '/path');
<FILE>; # toss first line

 print $l;
 $l = $_;

Just uses some simple logic to do what's needed.


* * * Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! * * *

( Don't touch that Red Flag link you crazy freak, it's just a holiday greeting! )
Nook6 - Go with Codiferous' splendidly succinct code ! Dickie Bird (:)-)))
Curious, what does it print the first time through the loop? Does print know that $l is undefined and prints nothing, or is undefined interpreted as the empty string, which is essentially the same for printing? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
...but I'm just a C man trying to see the light
Thanks for the complement Dickie Bird.

icrf: Your understanding is correct. However, you made me realize that my code could execute in an unintended manner, becuase I'm assuming that $l is not previously defined in the code. A better way to do this would've been:
open(FILE, '/path');
<FILE>; # toss first line
 my $l;
  print $l;
  $l = $_;
Using &quot;my&quot; inside of an anonymous block solves that problem. Using blocks like this are a neat way to solve scoping problems without rediculous code-contortions.


* * * Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! * * *

( Don't touch that Red Flag link you crazy freak, it's just a holiday greeting! )
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