One page report
Call 'Print Preview' and hit the 'Print' Button on the toolbar. -- One Page; one copy
hit the Print button on the form
which executes
stDocName = "JobRep"
DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, stDocName, True
DoCmd.PrintOut , , , , 3
Produces 3 copies OK but each one is two pages; one text and one blank ??? Why are the two print methods so different??
Any clues most welcome
Call 'Print Preview' and hit the 'Print' Button on the toolbar. -- One Page; one copy
hit the Print button on the form
which executes
stDocName = "JobRep"
DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, stDocName, True
DoCmd.PrintOut , , , , 3
Produces 3 copies OK but each one is two pages; one text and one blank ??? Why are the two print methods so different??
Any clues most welcome