We are looking into the process of writing checks to pre-printed check stock and are running into the issue of how to secure the signature.
Currently in our system (non-Crystal) we are utilizing an old SQR/Perl based system which access's a signature card embedded within a specific printer. That printer is dying rather quickly however and there is no sense in trying to save that process and it is very costly to maintain and very restrictive on upgrading, so we are looking at moving the entire process to Crystal.
We have quite a few different ideas in house on how to do this and we are basically looking for ideas/best practices.
Our needs are as follows:
1) Operations teams need to be able to run report, QC online with no signature present, and then approve file. (We already have application to do this)
2) The Operations team sends the print request to the print room and they print onto check stock. This time, of course, the signature gets printed.
A couple of options that've been suggested here are:
1) Using an image embedded within the .rpt file and then basically the image would be hidden/suppressed based on the login level of the user running the report. (Downside: The print room has to re-run the report to print which means the print room is not printing the exact file the operations team has QC'd)
2) Utilizing a custom font of some sort which is only acessable using a printer where the font has been loaded.
3) Utilizing a PCL Macro call from within Crystal (Has anyone done this????)
Any other suggestions, ideas, best practices?
(Sorry for the long-winded post)
Currently in our system (non-Crystal) we are utilizing an old SQR/Perl based system which access's a signature card embedded within a specific printer. That printer is dying rather quickly however and there is no sense in trying to save that process and it is very costly to maintain and very restrictive on upgrading, so we are looking at moving the entire process to Crystal.
We have quite a few different ideas in house on how to do this and we are basically looking for ideas/best practices.
Our needs are as follows:
1) Operations teams need to be able to run report, QC online with no signature present, and then approve file. (We already have application to do this)
2) The Operations team sends the print request to the print room and they print onto check stock. This time, of course, the signature gets printed.
A couple of options that've been suggested here are:
1) Using an image embedded within the .rpt file and then basically the image would be hidden/suppressed based on the login level of the user running the report. (Downside: The print room has to re-run the report to print which means the print room is not printing the exact file the operations team has QC'd)
2) Utilizing a custom font of some sort which is only acessable using a printer where the font has been loaded.
3) Utilizing a PCL Macro call from within Crystal (Has anyone done this????)
Any other suggestions, ideas, best practices?
(Sorry for the long-winded post)