I have a microsoft publisher 2000 document booklet (folded set up with 10 pages of content. Initially it was 12 pages of content with two of the pages blank (Publisher likes to add four pages every time you insert a page). Because I should be able to remove the two blank pages and still have an even number of pages for my booklet, I did so and removed two pages (and not 4 pages as Publisher prompts me to do). However, upon printing, I still wind up with 2 extra pages (this time smack dab in the center of the document).
Is there a way around this? As I said, I have even pages and content for those pages; it just seems Publisher wants to always do things in 4 pages.
Do I need to purchase seperate im,position software to work around this?
Is there a way around this? As I said, I have even pages and content for those pages; it just seems Publisher wants to always do things in 4 pages.
Do I need to purchase seperate im,position software to work around this?