we have a probelm with regards to creating our network printers , the probelm is that we are a large european company with offices in denmark,sweeden and uk.We run Metaframe Xpe on 2000 from our UK office provide connections to all users in europe through a series of 2mb leased lines. We need to be able to create printers on a terminal no a user basis as a user may travl between our offices and hence we want them to get the printers in that office, so the printers must be autocreated on a pc basis. We have tried a number of different options including creating seperate desktops and having a bat file running autocreating printers on each user logon. The probelm with this is it is slow and does not retain printer settings anyideas would be much appericated ?!
we have a probelm with regards to creating our network printers , the probelm is that we are a large european company with offices in denmark,sweeden and uk.We run Metaframe Xpe on 2000 from our UK office provide connections to all users in europe through a series of 2mb leased lines. We need to be able to create printers on a terminal no a user basis as a user may travl between our offices and hence we want them to get the printers in that office, so the printers must be autocreated on a pc basis. We have tried a number of different options including creating seperate desktops and having a bat file running autocreating printers on each user logon. The probelm with this is it is slow and does not retain printer settings anyideas would be much appericated ?!