I've designed a program to a resturant which contains ( master computer with two tablets that workes on windows and four other printers which are connected via share).
The problem is some of the printers in a non specific time don't work does not print all the orders or the items being ordered, they always print the first and the second order but not the whole order the idea is that the orders or data doesnot reach the printer correctly.
So i did a private program that works alone where the printers and tablets connected in a network via hub switch, so it works seprate from the resturant program it's soul purpose to take the data that we want to print and distribute it to the whole printers so it takes the order print it we wait 15 seconds then it print the second order between each order 15 seconds but i found the same problem.
Please help
I've designed a program to a resturant which contains ( master computer with two tablets that workes on windows and four other printers which are connected via share).
The problem is some of the printers in a non specific time don't work does not print all the orders or the items being ordered, they always print the first and the second order but not the whole order the idea is that the orders or data doesnot reach the printer correctly.
So i did a private program that works alone where the printers and tablets connected in a network via hub switch, so it works seprate from the resturant program it's soul purpose to take the data that we want to print and distribute it to the whole printers so it takes the order print it we wait 15 seconds then it print the second order between each order 15 seconds but i found the same problem.
Please help