2 PC's running windows 2000 Both stand alone (not on LAN) One printer, linked to PC A directly via USB. PC B needs to print to this printer also. PC A and PC B are connected via a x over cable.
PC B can browse to PC A and when the printer is shared PC B can add the printer and print ok.
As soon as PC B log's off and logs back on, PC B has lost connection with the printer on PC A and it has to be manually added to the machine each time.
How can this be resolved? Also, don't want to "share" the printer as such as this means PC A (connected directly to printer must be turned on, but if this has to be done that is ok)
Thanks in advance.
2 PC's running windows 2000 Both stand alone (not on LAN) One printer, linked to PC A directly via USB. PC B needs to print to this printer also. PC A and PC B are connected via a x over cable.
PC B can browse to PC A and when the printer is shared PC B can add the printer and print ok.
As soon as PC B log's off and logs back on, PC B has lost connection with the printer on PC A and it has to be manually added to the machine each time.
How can this be resolved? Also, don't want to "share" the printer as such as this means PC A (connected directly to printer must be turned on, but if this has to be done that is ok)
Thanks in advance.