Technical User
I have a Main form "ManuF" and a subform which is a Tab form "Jobs".
I have no problem printing this report "repFileCover" from the Jobs form when this form is opened by itself
OnClick event: DoCmd.openReport "repFileCover", acViewPreview
Query behind the "repFileCover" below
SELECT Jobs.JobID, Companies.Name, Jobs.Collect, [Delivery Dockets].CollectionDate, Consignors.Name, [Delivery Dockets].PurchaseOrderNo, [Delivery Dockets].Packages, [Delivery Dockets].GoodsDescription, [Delivery Dockets].Weight, [Delivery Dockets].ColInstructions, Consignors.Address1, Jobs.JobID & " / " & [DeliveryDocketNo] AS Ref, Consignors_1.Name AS Consignee, Companies.Message, Customers.Name, [Delivery Dockets].SpecNo, Consignors_1.Address1, Jobs.JobDate, Jobs.EnteredBy, Jobs.Vessel, Jobs.CameFrom, Jobs.CustomerRef
FROM (Companies INNER JOIN Jobs ON Companies.CompanyID = Jobs.JobTypeID) INNER JOIN (Consignors INNER JOIN (Customers INNER JOIN (Consignors AS Consignors_1 INNER JOIN [Delivery Dockets] ON Consignors_1.ConsignorID = [Delivery Dockets].ConsigneeID) ON Customers.CustomerID = [Delivery Dockets].CustomerID) ON Consignors.ConsignorID = [Delivery Dockets].ConsignorID) ON Jobs.JobID = [Delivery Dockets].JobID
WHERE (((Jobs.JobID)=[Forms]![Jobs]![JobID]));
But when the form "Jobs" is a Subform of the Main form "Menuf" I have a problem printing this report.
I have tried using =[Forms]![Menuf]![Jobs].[Form]![JobID] as the criteria on the above query but to no success.
The report does print after the this messagebox appears and the OK button is clicked
Enter Parameter Value ?
Ok Cancel
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated
I have a Main form "ManuF" and a subform which is a Tab form "Jobs".
I have no problem printing this report "repFileCover" from the Jobs form when this form is opened by itself
OnClick event: DoCmd.openReport "repFileCover", acViewPreview
Query behind the "repFileCover" below
SELECT Jobs.JobID, Companies.Name, Jobs.Collect, [Delivery Dockets].CollectionDate, Consignors.Name, [Delivery Dockets].PurchaseOrderNo, [Delivery Dockets].Packages, [Delivery Dockets].GoodsDescription, [Delivery Dockets].Weight, [Delivery Dockets].ColInstructions, Consignors.Address1, Jobs.JobID & " / " & [DeliveryDocketNo] AS Ref, Consignors_1.Name AS Consignee, Companies.Message, Customers.Name, [Delivery Dockets].SpecNo, Consignors_1.Address1, Jobs.JobDate, Jobs.EnteredBy, Jobs.Vessel, Jobs.CameFrom, Jobs.CustomerRef
FROM (Companies INNER JOIN Jobs ON Companies.CompanyID = Jobs.JobTypeID) INNER JOIN (Consignors INNER JOIN (Customers INNER JOIN (Consignors AS Consignors_1 INNER JOIN [Delivery Dockets] ON Consignors_1.ConsignorID = [Delivery Dockets].ConsigneeID) ON Customers.CustomerID = [Delivery Dockets].CustomerID) ON Consignors.ConsignorID = [Delivery Dockets].ConsignorID) ON Jobs.JobID = [Delivery Dockets].JobID
WHERE (((Jobs.JobID)=[Forms]![Jobs]![JobID]));
But when the form "Jobs" is a Subform of the Main form "Menuf" I have a problem printing this report.
I have tried using =[Forms]![Menuf]![Jobs].[Form]![JobID] as the criteria on the above query but to no success.
The report does print after the this messagebox appears and the OK button is clicked
Enter Parameter Value ?
Ok Cancel
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated