Everyone has been very helpful to a newbie like myself...i really appreciate it!!!s-)
Once again i am coming to the well....
I have a table like this:
Startdate EndDate System SiteName
Right now I have a parameter setup to filter reports by SiteName...but then i realized that every time i run that report it will print every record wiht that SiteName regardless of Date..that could really waste alot of paper and patience sorting through it alls-)
What i want to do is be able to pull a report based on the Site name and Date Range...
Do I need to use a pop-up form(something i haven't created yet) or a Dlookup function I do not know.....
Maybe the form would look like this
unbound textbox(StartDate)
unbound testbox(EndDate)------(in my table these are seperate fields)
unbound textbox (SiteName)
I could just maintain a weeks worth of data...that would be bad though s-)
please help
Once again i am coming to the well....
I have a table like this:
Startdate EndDate System SiteName
Right now I have a parameter setup to filter reports by SiteName...but then i realized that every time i run that report it will print every record wiht that SiteName regardless of Date..that could really waste alot of paper and patience sorting through it alls-)
What i want to do is be able to pull a report based on the Site name and Date Range...
Do I need to use a pop-up form(something i haven't created yet) or a Dlookup function I do not know.....
Maybe the form would look like this
unbound textbox(StartDate)
unbound testbox(EndDate)------(in my table these are seperate fields)
unbound textbox (SiteName)
I could just maintain a weeks worth of data...that would be bad though s-)
please help