Hi all, VB6 - CR9 DE.
I need to print reports with multiple pages, in this case an auditor can have numerous audits assigned to them, each with it's own auditnumber.
The following code gets the criteria the reports will be based on, in this case get all audits requested for an auditor and the auditnumber:
I pass the result to a class module that prints the report, however it's obvious that I will only preview one page at a time, where/how do I get CR to only go to print preview after all the reports have been created?
Thanks a bunch.
I need to print reports with multiple pages, in this case an auditor can have numerous audits assigned to them, each with it's own auditnumber.
The following code gets the criteria the reports will be based on, in this case get all audits requested for an auditor and the auditnumber:
Do Until mrLoadRst.EOF
strAuditNumber = mrLoadRst("AuditNumber")
Dim oUP As New MultipleAuditWorksheet
oUP.MultiAuditWorkSheet strAuditNumber
crReport.Database.SetDataSource mrsDataSet
Set frmPrintPreview.DataReport = crReport
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Load frmPrintPreview
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
frmPrintPreview.Show vbModal
Thanks a bunch.