Technical User
I've got an application that generates 200+ html files. These files then need to be printed. I'm looking for a solution to send multiple files to a network printer.
Currently, in Windows Explorer, if I select 5 files to print, only one file prints. Interestingly, I can do a multiple selection of .txt files and they print off just fine. If I do multiple .doc files, they print as well once Word opens to run the files through.
I'm open to any suggestions just to ease the manual task of printing each of these files one at a time. Thx.
Currently, in Windows Explorer, if I select 5 files to print, only one file prints. Interestingly, I can do a multiple selection of .txt files and they print off just fine. If I do multiple .doc files, they print as well once Word opens to run the files through.
I'm open to any suggestions just to ease the manual task of printing each of these files one at a time. Thx.