I have an IP printer that gets stuck and locks up the print Que for every other printer.
Print Job Manager reports "Server.domain sending to". I have to delete ALL jobs in the que before it will begin printing again.
Any ideas?
I'm not sure what your problem is, but have you tried using disable printqueuename and then enable printqueuename instead of deleting the entire print queue?
I am running into a simular problem with my ip connected printers.
I have tried to disable and enable the que and it has had no effect.
Couple observations:
Only seems to happend to ip printers on site, not those connected through the vpn at physically different locals.
I can go into the print que and delete the next job in line after the line denoteing that is is sending the jobs to the specified printer and it will then print the next job after the one deleted, but then hangs again. So delete one get one is the result. Normal printing dose not resume until the que has been emptied either in this mannor or by removing all jobs (EXCEPT the line denoting where it is sending them, it removes itself after all jobs are gone).
I am presently testing the response time delay to see if this will clear it up. However the problem is erractic and unpredicable. So the fact that it hasn't reocurred yet really doen't mean anything until I am no longer plagued by these jams.
jamyn have you any success in tracking down this issue?
I have a LJ4M+ with an internal MIO Jet Direct card.
If I send a job to the printer when it is powered off,then nothing will print when the unit is powered on. I can only get printing started again by cancelling all waiting jobs and power cycling the printer.
This isn't an issue with the LJ5000 that has the more modern EIO card.
I have inherited this system and am trying to sort through the mess. before I added the ip network, the printer would for no appearent reason lose jobs. now that they are on the ip network the print ques jam randomly as described above. The OSS650A patch is a recent addition and dose not appear to have any effect.
The printers are set up as remote printers. 2 printers per print server.
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