I was using a program I made to print a report with Crystal report and C#. Everything was working fine. I decided to use it(or large part of it anyway) to build a new report(label format, 1"x4"inch). After having removed the part of the program I didn't needed and build the new report when I try to print with the usual command("report.PrintToPrinter(1, false,0,0);") I receive this error has the message of the System.Exception catch:
"Query Engine Error: 'C:\SCG\srv\etiquetteOF\Etiquette.rpt'"
The stacktrace shows this:
" at .K(String
, EngineExceptionErrorID )
at .F(Int16 , Int32 )
at .E(Int16 )
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at SCG_Impression_Etiquette.Class1.PrintReport(ReportDocument report, String& printerName) in c:\documents and settings\chaaud\my documents\visual studio projects\keyboardhook\impressionof_etiquette\class1.cs:line 266"
and the source:
The first program I made is still working, so I've ruled out a defective engine as part of my problem. Anyone as a clue on what I should do or from where the error migth be coming?
Any help would be appreciated. I can give more info if you need to know something more specific.
thank you.
I was using a program I made to print a report with Crystal report and C#. Everything was working fine. I decided to use it(or large part of it anyway) to build a new report(label format, 1"x4"inch). After having removed the part of the program I didn't needed and build the new report when I try to print with the usual command("report.PrintToPrinter(1, false,0,0);") I receive this error has the message of the System.Exception catch:
"Query Engine Error: 'C:\SCG\srv\etiquetteOF\Etiquette.rpt'"
The stacktrace shows this:
" at .K(String
, EngineExceptionErrorID )
at .F(Int16 , Int32 )
at .E(Int16 )
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at SCG_Impression_Etiquette.Class1.PrintReport(ReportDocument report, String& printerName) in c:\documents and settings\chaaud\my documents\visual studio projects\keyboardhook\impressionof_etiquette\class1.cs:line 266"
and the source:
The first program I made is still working, so I've ruled out a defective engine as part of my problem. Anyone as a clue on what I should do or from where the error migth be coming?
Any help would be appreciated. I can give more info if you need to know something more specific.
thank you.