I am trying to print a report that was created in Crystal Reports 7.02 from a VB6 program. I created a Crystal ActiveX control on a separate form and call this from my main sub using the following code:
frmRptCntl.crwBondRpt.Connect= "DSN=servername;UID=user;PWD=password;DBQ=<CRWDC>Database=databasename"
I have the report name and location setup in the control properties, as well as the printer port number and name.
When I run the program a printer icon appears on my taskbar and I get a message that the file is printing, but it never comes out of the printer. Any suggestions?
frmRptCntl.crwBondRpt.Connect= "DSN=servername;UID=user;PWD=password;DBQ=<CRWDC>Database=databasename"
I have the report name and location setup in the control properties, as well as the printer port number and name.
When I run the program a printer icon appears on my taskbar and I get a message that the file is printing, but it never comes out of the printer. Any suggestions?