- Dec 4, 2012
- 1
I'm a newby at VBscript, but I often have to use it from LiveCode (RunRev) to do things...
After 2 (!) days of search for what I believe should be a very popular script, that is, run a VBscript that given a file path will print (to the default printer) the Pdf and get some kind of feedback, I came up with this two script.
Script 1: print the file. Replace the <thedocpath> with the path to the pdf file.
This script works fine except that I dont know how to print more then 1 copy of the file so I have to loop trough it, and this slows things. As I said I run it from Livecode, but it works also if you save it to a text.vbs file and double clik it.
Script 2) Check the spooler. Replace <docname> with the name of your pdf file.
This give me some kind of feedbak (return =1 print ok, =0 print NO ok)
Since there may be more then one copies of the same print (because I had to loop), I cannot return 1 right after the printing start, but I have to wait until all the copies got spooled...
I believe that my code is kind of messy so I would be gratefull if someone can streamline and clean it....!
But my question is: How can I print more then one copy of the same file, without looping ?
Thanks for any help or suggestion.
After 2 (!) days of search for what I believe should be a very popular script, that is, run a VBscript that given a file path will print (to the default printer) the Pdf and get some kind of feedback, I came up with this two script.
Script 1: print the file. Replace the <thedocpath> with the path to the pdf file.
on error resume next
set oWsh = CreateObject ("Wscript.Shell")
for i = 1 to <numCopies> """AcroRd32.exe"" /p /h" &"<thedocpath>",,false
if Err.Number <> 0 then
result = "Error: " & Err.Number
end if
set oWsh = nothing
This script works fine except that I dont know how to print more then 1 copy of the file so I have to loop trough it, and this slows things. As I said I run it from Livecode, but it works also if you save it to a text.vbs file and double clik it.
Script 2) Check the spooler. Replace <docname> with the name of your pdf file.
This give me some kind of feedbak (return =1 print ok, =0 print NO ok)
Since there may be more then one copies of the same print (because I had to loop), I cannot return 1 right after the printing start, but I have to wait until all the copies got spooled...
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim strComputer, wmiNS, wmiQuery, objWMIService, colItems, objItem
Dim Counter, Risultato, result
Dim theDocName, theNumID, theNumprovID
Counter = 0
Risultato = 0
theNumID = 0
strComputer = "."
wmiNS = "\root\cimv2"
wmiQuery = "Select * from win32_PrintJob"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & wmiNS)
' start a query loop
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(wmiQuery)
Counter = Counter +1 'this increases up to 8000 (8 sec to avoid lock...)
For Each objitem In colItems
if objitem.Document = "<docname>" then 'compare the doc name on the spooler with the name of my doc
if objitem.JobID > theNumID then 'JobID is a progressive number assigned by the spooler (start with 0 so should not be a problem)
Risultato = Risultato + 1 'get count of prints (should end equal to <NumOfCopies>)
theNumID = objitem.JobID
theNumprovID = theNumprovID & " " & theNumID
end if
end if
loop until Risultato >= <NumOfCopies> or Counter >= 8000
' we got the last copy or a timeout
if Counter >= 8000 and Risultato = 0 then
Risultato = 0
Risultato = 1
end if
set colItems = nothing
set objWMIService = nothing
result = Risultato
I believe that my code is kind of messy so I would be gratefull if someone can streamline and clean it....!
But my question is: How can I print more then one copy of the same file, without looping ?
Thanks for any help or suggestion.