My Problem: I have three different tables that I'm trying to use in one combined report- which include: lwmain (incident reports completed), vhmain (Vehicle Description) & vhstatus (Recovered or Stolen).
The report will use information from each of these tables, but there are no common named keys that link. I need someone very smart that's willing to help me figure this out. So far this is what I've been able to connect somewhat between the tables:
vhstatus.vehiclekey = lwmain.lwmainid
vhstatus.vehi_id2 = vhmain.vehi_id
My first attempt was to Group my report by vhstatus.vhstatus (Stolen), then add the vehicle description with the correct fields, then link field (vhstatus.vehi_id2 = vhmain.vehi_id)even though the field names do not match, so that I can try to show the location of the event. I tried creating a formula to pull this part together:
If ({vhstatus.vehi_id2}={vhmain.vehi_id}) then ({vhstatus.streetnbr}+ " , "+{vhstatus.street})
This did not work because it made my complete report blank. Any suggestions on how to bring the information from multiple tables, that have no matching primary keys or field names, together? Thanks.