Technical User
I have a SX200 AX with two links of Pri, one to the service provider and one to a Toshiba PBX. My AX is running, calls between the two switches work great, calls from the AX to the outside world work great, the problem is when a caller from the Toshiba switch comes across the tie lines and tries to make an outside call thru the AX do not complete, what is captured on the SMDR is i.e. 9705555123, the preceding 9 is never removed and the last digit is not sent out. The normal o/g calls from the AX go out ok. I have tried deleting one and then two digits in form 22, I have tried programming a specific number in form 26 with "unknown" in the digits to follow field, same thing. Calls into the AX on the Pri and transferred across the other Pri to the Toshiba works great. My Pri trunks are programmed as T1 E&M.
Any help or ideas would be appeciated
Any help or ideas would be appeciated