I want to set up Number to send on my pri but the cust. has 2 different sets of did's- If I change it to the 1 companies DID will it send that out for the other?? I think it will. Also, when I installed the new board for the pri the line count was over 80 so I had to make some changes & the bp we are doing this for is going to ship out 008 MLX to repl the 408's- when I repl the cards will my lines reconfigure themselves in pools as well as b channels??
I want to set up Number to send on my pri but the cust. has 2 different sets of did's- If I change it to the 1 companies DID will it send that out for the other?? I think it will. Also, when I installed the new board for the pri the line count was over 80 so I had to make some changes & the bp we are doing this for is going to ship out 008 MLX to repl the 408's- when I repl the cards will my lines reconfigure themselves in pools as well as b channels??