Technical User
Attempting to use formula: {@Initial v Revisions}
if {@Plan #} = previous({@Plan #}) then
else "Initial"
However, it does not allow grouping on this formula.
Under the Crystal Reports X Help index it states:
"Note: Using this function in a formula forces the formula to be evaluated at print time. For more information on evaluation time considerations, see Evaluation Time."
Is this why no grouping or select experts can be performed on this formula?
Crystal Reports X, SQL Server, ODBC
if {@Plan #} = previous({@Plan #}) then
else "Initial"
However, it does not allow grouping on this formula.
Under the Crystal Reports X Help index it states:
"Note: Using this function in a formula forces the formula to be evaluated at print time. For more information on evaluation time considerations, see Evaluation Time."
Is this why no grouping or select experts can be performed on this formula?
Crystal Reports X, SQL Server, ODBC