I have a problem with a picture database. The images are not embedded in the database but are linked dynamically.
I want to create a report with the database content. One record per page and two images per page.
The images are JPGs and approx. 4,5 MB each.
When i open/print the report, it is build by Access. The first ten pages are quite quick. Then the speed is decreasing constantly until the report breaks down at page 30 or so. In the task manager i can see 1,3 GB RAM getting freed upon the report termination.
Obviously Access is trying to build up the entire report in its memor. Which fail at some point.
Is there any way to prevent this error?
I have already created a copy of the report based on a query to reduce the amount of data. But that is impractible for the daily use.
I have a problem with a picture database. The images are not embedded in the database but are linked dynamically.
I want to create a report with the database content. One record per page and two images per page.
The images are JPGs and approx. 4,5 MB each.
When i open/print the report, it is build by Access. The first ten pages are quite quick. Then the speed is decreasing constantly until the report breaks down at page 30 or so. In the task manager i can see 1,3 GB RAM getting freed upon the report termination.
Obviously Access is trying to build up the entire report in its memor. Which fail at some point.
Is there any way to prevent this error?
I have already created a copy of the report based on a query to reduce the amount of data. But that is impractible for the daily use.