I have a rather odd question, does any one know how to use JavaScript to disable JavaScript for the remainder of a page?
I'm looking for something like
if(DoesNotMeetMyRequierments == 1)
JavaScript.Disable = True;
Long story short, I have a bunch of JavaScript on a page that's suited for Engligh, so when a user accesses my site through Google Translation tools I want to fall back to the NoScript version that Google can translate (Google doesn't translate strings or addresses in Javacript).
I'm looking for something like
if(DoesNotMeetMyRequierments == 1)
JavaScript.Disable = True;
Long story short, I have a bunch of JavaScript on a page that's suited for Engligh, so when a user accesses my site through Google Translation tools I want to fall back to the NoScript version that Google can translate (Google doesn't translate strings or addresses in Javacript).