To easy to explain this, sorry - so I'll explain using a short outline of my report structure:
GH1 - ManagerID (suppressed)
GH2 - StaffType
GH3 - StaffID (suppressed)
DETAILS (suppressed)
GF3 - summaries per StaffID (eg No of qualifications passed)
GF2 (suppressed)
GF1 - summaries per ManagerID
GF3 contains 8 running totals (one per "Qualification") and 2 key formulas:
Formula1 examines the 8 running totals per StaffID and their values (1= passed that Qualification)
(ie count how Qualifications were passed by that member of staff).
Formula2 examines Formula1 and counts if value is <12
(ie how many staff have yet to complete all 12 qualifications)
The problem
The running totals and two formulas in GF3 work fine, but I need only the summaries at manager level (ie GF1). But, when Formula2 is also placed inside GF1 it is sometimes incremented by 1 (depending on value of Formula1 inlast record). So, the same formula is displaying differing values between GF3 and GF1
Here's Formula2:
NumberVar TutorsWithAllMoodleModules;
If Formula1 <12 Then TutorsWithAllMoodleModules := TutorsWithAllMoodleModules + 1;
Sorry it's so long winded, I couldn't think of a way to summarise and still give you a chance to help. I've tried lots of things already but your suggestions are bound to work. You've always managed to help me before, so my fingers are crossed - with thanks in advance.
GH1 - ManagerID (suppressed)
GH2 - StaffType
GH3 - StaffID (suppressed)
DETAILS (suppressed)
GF3 - summaries per StaffID (eg No of qualifications passed)
GF2 (suppressed)
GF1 - summaries per ManagerID
GF3 contains 8 running totals (one per "Qualification") and 2 key formulas:
Formula1 examines the 8 running totals per StaffID and their values (1= passed that Qualification)
(ie count how Qualifications were passed by that member of staff).
Formula2 examines Formula1 and counts if value is <12
(ie how many staff have yet to complete all 12 qualifications)
The problem
The running totals and two formulas in GF3 work fine, but I need only the summaries at manager level (ie GF1). But, when Formula2 is also placed inside GF1 it is sometimes incremented by 1 (depending on value of Formula1 inlast record). So, the same formula is displaying differing values between GF3 and GF1
Here's Formula2:
NumberVar TutorsWithAllMoodleModules;
If Formula1 <12 Then TutorsWithAllMoodleModules := TutorsWithAllMoodleModules + 1;
Sorry it's so long winded, I couldn't think of a way to summarise and still give you a chance to help. I've tried lots of things already but your suggestions are bound to work. You've always managed to help me before, so my fingers are crossed - with thanks in advance.