I think when you say in the user form VoiceRecording, put a none existing mailbox.
Then there cant be recorded conversations.
Because default it says the mailbox of the user.
I tried changing the "Auto Recording mail box" and the Manual Recording mail box" to a non existing mail box. However, this did not work. I even created a Time Profile of 1 minute between 3:00am and 3:01am and intered it on the "Record Time Profile", but that did not work either. There must be a way to prevent users from recording conversations manually.
By non-existing mailbox I hope you meant an existing but other than the users mailbox. If you just entered a mailbox name that didn't exist the Voicemail Pro may have defaulted back to the real user.
Add a new user called "WasteBin" and then set them as the mailbox destination for the users manual recordings.
If that is roughly what you did and it really didn't work then its a bug.
Worst gets to worst you can add a module called Record to Voicemail Pro. However that will override the default call recording process and affect all users who use manual recording so you need to create a call flow in the module that covers whose recordings go where.
If have seen this and it works fine only i had to go on site after six moths because VM Pro stopped unexpected and without a known reason, the reason was a full HD partition.
Either inform the customer about this so he can monitor this or create a batch file to delete unwanted recordings and set up a time task in Windows for once a week or month to do it automatic.
The Voicemail Pro's housekeeping settings can be set to include new (unplayed) files. 999 hours is 41 days roughly, shouldn't cause a problem (unless the Company President only checks his mailbox once a quarter ).
Sorry IPGuru, but I have Cannot be Intruded selected and I can still record a conversation. Are you talking about a third party recording a conversation. I was speeking about the user recording their conversation.
I am supprised because Recording needs to intrude into the call, this is either a Bug or a Feature enhancement (depending of whether it is good or bad for you) I suspect Avaya will claim it was deliberate, at least untill the next build when they will deny it should have ever worked.
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