I have a jsp page with some<b> required fields</b> which are validated using <b>Validator framework</b> and a <b>hyper link</b> "Add " (which fires an action) which takes us to a new page in the parent window(no pop up) and a <b>"Submit" button</b>(which takes me to some other page).
<b>WHAT I NEED IS:</b>
As soon as I press "add" link it should take me to the new page and once we are through with filling fields in second jsp and press a return button , I come back to my first page with the some new information(which was entered in second page) being displayed in first page in a summarized form and now if i press "submit" button , then validations should take place.
As soon as i press the hyper link,the validator framework is activated and since the form bean is not updated (because submit button not clicked as yet) it says that required fields are not entered(even though i enter data in it)and i can't get past the first page.
Can you suggest a way that starts validating only when submit button is clicked?
<b>WHAT I NEED IS:</b>
As soon as I press "add" link it should take me to the new page and once we are through with filling fields in second jsp and press a return button , I come back to my first page with the some new information(which was entered in second page) being displayed in first page in a summarized form and now if i press "submit" button , then validations should take place.
As soon as i press the hyper link,the validator framework is activated and since the form bean is not updated (because submit button not clicked as yet) it says that required fields are not entered(even though i enter data in it)and i can't get past the first page.
Can you suggest a way that starts validating only when submit button is clicked?