I have to write an embedded SQL progam with selecting the SYSIBM.SYSTABLES table. I do the statements CONNECT, PREPARE, DESRIBE, OPEN CURSOR with SQLCODE = 0. But The statement FETCH returns SQLCODE -804. Doing the SELECT interactively returns the correct result. The connected user has sufficient privileges.
Are there any precompiler options which might solve my problem?
Thanks in advance
Gabi Eichler
I have to write an embedded SQL progam with selecting the SYSIBM.SYSTABLES table. I do the statements CONNECT, PREPARE, DESRIBE, OPEN CURSOR with SQLCODE = 0. But The statement FETCH returns SQLCODE -804. Doing the SELECT interactively returns the correct result. The connected user has sufficient privileges.
Are there any precompiler options which might solve my problem?
Thanks in advance
Gabi Eichler