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preloader help 1

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Apr 20, 2001
I have made a preloader, downloadable at:

well the imagine in the preloader is temporary. but my question is how can i link a loading % bar to this. i have tried and tried and cannot... i use a clipholderfake to the right of the main stage to load my mc...and as you will see nothing work.

any help is appreciated.

i made a mistake, the fla is at

this file should, when the mc is loaded to the right, open up to 'nejarine.html'... but as you can see neither the % loading sign or the loading on the right work, i think
Unexpected file format! Can't open your .fla.
You'd have a better chance of getting an answer if your .fla was in a MX only format, and zipped up.

You would have to save a copy of your MX2004 .fla, (using Save as...) and changing the Document type to MX only in the Save as... window.

Regards. Affiliate Program - Web Hosting - Web Design
After 25,000 posts, banned on FK, but proud not to have bowed down to them!
I have just uploaded it again... I did save as Flash MX (the other option is Flash MX 2004_). I have put it in the same place. I don't know of any other way of saving it besides this.

Does this work?

I am going nuts working on this. can anybody help me out?

what should i be doing ot have a separate swf load after a preload?
I can open this last one... But really don't understand what you're trying to do?

You have no preloading code whatsoever and even a syntax error, trying to assign an onClipEvent(load) on your first frame... With a _parent.parent.stop(); and a play(); action on another frame action????????

Regards. Affiliate Program - Web Hosting - Web Design
After 25,000 posts, banned on FK, but proud not to have bowed down to them!
I have put a later version of the flash here:

I am trying to have the swf. load into the tiny screen on the right using this code ont he third frame:

onClipEvent (load) {
loadMovie("nejarine.swf", _root.clipholderfake);

so that the swf which I want sized to a certain degree can open AFTER the clipholderfake has loaded.

(getURL("javascript:NewWindow=window.open('nejarine.html', 'newWin','scrollbars=no,status=no,width=850,height=650');NewWindow.focus();void(0);");

But you see, it loads immediately and I don't know what i am doing wrong.?

In this latest version there is a percentage loading bar as well...I don't know how to configure it so it will read from the clipholderfake.
thanks for any ideas.

What's the point of preloading the movie in your splash movie (which is already some 300KBs heavy!), if you're going to open it in a new seperate popup?

Why not just add a preloader to your nejarine.swf, itself?

Regards. Affiliate Program - Web Hosting - Web Design
After 25,000 posts, banned on FK, but proud not to have bowed down to them!
Because I want the dimensions to be fixed and I have to (i think) begin with a window that calls up the second window in another format. I don't think it is possible to have a specifically dimensioned window without wriitng the javascript into the relaying button/info, n'est pas?


No not really. You can open a specificly sized popup as you're doing it, but the preloader for the nejarine.swf can be inside the nejarine.swf itself, and not in your splash movie.

What is it you're really trying to do?
Preload the nejarine.swf and musicnejarine.swf while you're on the splash page, so that when the sized popup is opened, both files are already cached and ready to play?

Your last included preloading code is only presently preloading your splash movie itself, and not the nejarine.swf nor the musicnejarine.swf in your clipholderfake holder.

Furthermore, you still have that syntax error because you're using an onClipEvent(load) on a frame action, not on a clip.

Regards. Affiliate Program - Web Hosting - Web Design
After 25,000 posts, banned on FK, but proud not to have bowed down to them!
yes, i am trying to preload the nejarine.swf while on the splash page. how can i do this so that the nejarine.swf opens in a specific dimension without scroll bars, etc.?

how would i go about making the script for this?


And for the syntax error, I know it wrong (even though it works), but I need to load the swf. I have no idea how to do this from a separate swf. Is it going to be easier to put them together? If so how?

Sorry, but I have to leave for work, and won't be able to look into this before very late tonight or tomorrow morning...

If you can't work it out on your own with what I already gave you, then it might be a ggod idea to post a link to your other .flas (nejarine.fla & musicnejarine.fla) also in a MX only format, so that I have access to them if needed when I get back later tonight...

Good luck.

Regards. Affiliate Program - Web Hosting - Web Design
After 25,000 posts, banned on FK, but proud not to have bowed down to them!
I haven't been able to figure this out yet. Any luck?

hi again. i just was checking back to see if you were able to figure out to make this in one swf with the main film loading in the spec. dimensions.

Made some progress but ain't finished yet... And must leave for work...

As you'll see, I'm first preloading the Splash page itself, then when it's displayed, preloading (in fact caching...) the music.swf... That's where I'm presently at, so it stops here.

I would then need to cache the nejarine.swf in the same manner, and then open up the specificly sized popup with the now cached files...

Will try to pursue this later tonight.

Regards. Affiliate Program - Web Hosting - Web Design
After 25,000 posts, banned on FK, but proud not to have bowed down to them!
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