I have a problem. I have an HP Netserver LH3000 loaded with SCO Unix Openserver 5.0.5. It has the ability of 2 cpu's. I added another cpu and the HP sees it fine. The customer this is installed at accesses the Unix server through TCP/IP. When I load the SMP Multiprocessor supplement and license (for Unix to see and use the 2nd CPU) then reboot, it kills my ability to access the NIC card through TCP/IP(card loads with no errors on startup). I can remove the supplement and it goes back to working fine. I get the error prc_sync : script(S85nis) script failed to complete in 120 seconds. I have renamed S85nis script to s85nis and it only causes more scripts not to run. I loaded RS505a and OSS497c patches to no avail. I also removed the NIC card and added it back to no avail. Remove the supplement for SMP and everytime everything works as it did before(except then no recognition of second CPU in Unix). I may have to reload the system but hope not. Please help.