What I am wondering about, is actually practical.
I already have working code for making "fake" urls..
eg.: is actually: :// (fake is a file with no extension).
Anyways, My question is as follows:
I am to run queries, based on two integers, as the content is generated dynamically.
The reason I need "fake urls"; like above, is that google, amongst others, will not crawl all your pages, if they are all /index.php?id=foo
This is due to the fact, that they are afraid to get into an infinite loop.. (or so I've read).
I first made the script parse id and subcat as usual, at the end of the "fake url", like:
Then, my brain worked.. If I use those ?id=13&subcat=1, it will not work, as then again, google will not crawl the querystring.. (unless I mis-understood something here).
eg. the page would not work without the ?id=13&subcat=1, that would result in every page beein "home", (default).
So, My question is: How do I "hide" the integers I use for queries?
I've thought of two ideas:
To make this short, lets say CID = COntent Id, and PID = Page ID.
Version one: Version two:
Which is better of the two?
The last version, I thought I could explode the array contents on the "_", to get the integer and then run a query.
If I am to use the first example, I dont really know how I should extract the integers, as not all pages have subpages...
My cms has only two levels: Mother and Child, and they are both in the same table.
I guess, maybe I could also do:
then I could do a count() on the array and check how many elements. Then I would know if elements > 2, the page has a sub-page (child).
Olav Alexander Mjelde
Admin & Webmaster
What I am wondering about, is actually practical.
I already have working code for making "fake" urls..
eg.: is actually: :// (fake is a file with no extension).
Anyways, My question is as follows:
I am to run queries, based on two integers, as the content is generated dynamically.
The reason I need "fake urls"; like above, is that google, amongst others, will not crawl all your pages, if they are all /index.php?id=foo
This is due to the fact, that they are afraid to get into an infinite loop.. (or so I've read).
I first made the script parse id and subcat as usual, at the end of the "fake url", like:
Then, my brain worked.. If I use those ?id=13&subcat=1, it will not work, as then again, google will not crawl the querystring.. (unless I mis-understood something here).
eg. the page would not work without the ?id=13&subcat=1, that would result in every page beein "home", (default).
So, My question is: How do I "hide" the integers I use for queries?
I've thought of two ideas:
To make this short, lets say CID = COntent Id, and PID = Page ID.
Version one: Version two:
Which is better of the two?
The last version, I thought I could explode the array contents on the "_", to get the integer and then run a query.
If I am to use the first example, I dont really know how I should extract the integers, as not all pages have subpages...
My cms has only two levels: Mother and Child, and they are both in the same table.
I guess, maybe I could also do:
then I could do a count() on the array and check how many elements. Then I would know if elements > 2, the page has a sub-page (child).
Olav Alexander Mjelde
Admin & Webmaster