I,m having problem in my powershell script I,m trying to remote prestage a client to my wds, i hope someone can help
this is the secript
$Username = "WDS\administrator"
$Password = "PassWord"
$Pass = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -asPlainText -force
$Cred = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($UserName, $pass)
$DevGuid = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "netenabled = true" | Select -Expand Guid
$DevNam = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Bios | Select -Expand SerialNumber
Invoke-Command -ComputerName WDS -ScriptBlock { New-WdsClient -DeviceID $DevGuid -DeviceName $DevNam -BootImagePath "Boot\x64\Images\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim" } -credential $Cred
When i run the secript i get this error message.
(Cannot validate argument on parameter 'DeviceID'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again. )
First i hade this command and it worked well
$Username = "WDS\administrator"
$Password = "PassWord"
$Pass = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -asPlainText -force
$Cred = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($UserName, $pass)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName WDS -ScriptBlock { New-WdsClient -DeviceID "ComputerGUID" -DeviceName "ComputerName" -BootImagePath "Boot\x64\Images\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim" } -credential $Cred
powershell version 5.0
Best regards to you all
this is the secript
$Username = "WDS\administrator"
$Password = "PassWord"
$Pass = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -asPlainText -force
$Cred = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($UserName, $pass)
$DevGuid = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "netenabled = true" | Select -Expand Guid
$DevNam = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Bios | Select -Expand SerialNumber
Invoke-Command -ComputerName WDS -ScriptBlock { New-WdsClient -DeviceID $DevGuid -DeviceName $DevNam -BootImagePath "Boot\x64\Images\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim" } -credential $Cred
When i run the secript i get this error message.
(Cannot validate argument on parameter 'DeviceID'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again. )
First i hade this command and it worked well
$Username = "WDS\administrator"
$Password = "PassWord"
$Pass = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -asPlainText -force
$Cred = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($UserName, $pass)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName WDS -ScriptBlock { New-WdsClient -DeviceID "ComputerGUID" -DeviceName "ComputerName" -BootImagePath "Boot\x64\Images\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim" } -credential $Cred
powershell version 5.0
Best regards to you all