I have beat my head on how I can use powershell to check remote HKCU registry keys. I have found that as long as I RDP to all of the boxes then I can run a powershell script to check all HKCU keys. I understand the HKCU is unique to the user but is there anyway I can check the HKCU keys without having to log into all? Below is my script.
$Servers=Get-Content Computers.txt
foreach($server in $Servers){
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("CurrentUser", $server)
$key = $reg.OpenSubkey('Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main')
$value = $key.GetValue("Start Page")
if (($key.GetValue("Start Page")) -eq "about:blank"){
write-host $value
write-host "DTBI001-IE11 - passed"
else {
write-host "DTBI001-IE11 - FAILED"
I have beat my head on how I can use powershell to check remote HKCU registry keys. I have found that as long as I RDP to all of the boxes then I can run a powershell script to check all HKCU keys. I understand the HKCU is unique to the user but is there anyway I can check the HKCU keys without having to log into all? Below is my script.
$Servers=Get-Content Computers.txt
foreach($server in $Servers){
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("CurrentUser", $server)
$key = $reg.OpenSubkey('Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main')
$value = $key.GetValue("Start Page")
if (($key.GetValue("Start Page")) -eq "about:blank"){
write-host $value
write-host "DTBI001-IE11 - passed"
else {
write-host "DTBI001-IE11 - FAILED"