I'm attempting to display a slideshow within an excel user form. I grabbed some old VB6 code off the web and have been attempting to modify it to work. I can get the slideshow to run in a seperate window, but I can't get it to run in the frame on my userform.
Currently when the code hits the "With .Run" line the slidehsow opens fulscreen, then after the first slide resizes to the specified dimensions. first off, I don't see why it would load fullscreen since I set the .ShowType to speaker. Secondly how do I set it to load in the frame? I can get it to load in the same screen location as the frame, but not in the frame.
here's my current code:
Currently when the code hits the "With .Run" line the slidehsow opens fulscreen, then after the first slide resizes to the specified dimensions. first off, I don't see why it would load fullscreen since I set the .ShowType to speaker. Secondly how do I set it to load in the frame? I can get it to load in the same screen location as the frame, but not in the frame.
here's my current code:
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Copyright ©1999-2008, Shyam Pillai, All Rights Reserved.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------
' You are free to use this code within your own applications, add-ins,
' documents etc but you are expressly forbidden from selling or
' otherwise distributing this source code without prior consent.
' This includes both posting free demo projects made from this
' code as well as reproducing the code in text or html format.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Const APP_NAME = "PowerPoint in VB window"
Const SHOW_FILE = "C:\Documents and Settings\bmangum\Desktop\Cranfill_Transformation.ppt"
' PowerPoint Constants
Const ppShowTypeSpeaker = 1
' Undocument constant used to display show in a window
' without PowerPoint command bars.
Const ppShowTypeInWindow = 1000
Public oPPTApp As Object
Public oPPTPres As Object
' API's used:
' To locate the handle of the PowerPoint slideshow window
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _
Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, _
ByVal lpWindowName As Long) As Long
' To set fram control as the parent of the slide show window
Private Declare Function SetParent Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWndChild As Long, _
ByVal hWndNewParent As Long) As Long
' To set the caption of the window
Private Declare Function SetWindowText Lib "user32" _
Alias "SetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal lpString As String) As Long
Private Sub cmdShow_Click()
Dim screenClasshWnd As Long, hwndPpt As Long, lngRet As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set oPPTApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
hwndPpt = FindWindow("Pp10FrameClass", vbNullString)
lngRet = SetParent(hwndPpt, Me.frmSS.hwnd)
If Not oPPTApp Is Nothing Then
Set oPPTPres = oPPTApp.Presentations.Open(SHOW_FILE, , , False)
If Not oPPTPres Is Nothing Then
Set oPPTApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
hwndPpt = FindWindow("Pp10FrameClass", vbNullString)
With oPPTPres
With .SlideShowSettings
.ShowType = ppShowTypeSpeaker
With .Run
.Left = frmSS.Left + Me.Left
.Top = frmSS.Top + Me.Top + 5
.Width = frmSS.Width
.Height = frmSS.Height
End With
End With
screenClasshWnd = FindWindow("screenClass", vbNullString)
lngRet = SetParent(screenClasshWnd, frmSS.hwnd)
End With
MsgBox "Could not open the presentation.", vbCritical, APP_NAME
End If
MsgBox "Could not instantiate PowerPoint.", vbCritical, APP_NAME
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With Me
.Caption = APP_NAME
End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
'lblMessage.Visible = True
If Not oPPTPres Is Nothing Then
End If
Set oPPTPres = Nothing
If Not oPPTApp Is Nothing Then
End If
Set oPPTApp = Nothing
'lblMessage.Visible = False
End Sub